

Part-time of

The Master’s Degree Program ‘Master in Oral Implantology’ (MOI) is designed for the general dentist who has already taken the first step toward the field of implantology. You have already placed implants and now want to develop your practical skills and build up solid, scientific knowledge to provide safe, appropriate and efficient treatments.

The 2-year modular graduate degree program takes your time constraints and job responsibilities into consideration. You have to travel four times to Frankfurt during your course of studies. Each stay lasts between 7 and 10 days: you’ll have lessons and hands-on courses and thus grow through input from our international faculty, guest lecturers and fellow students. In between the 4 residential periods, you’ll be treating patients in your surgery, documenting and discussing the cases with our team at your own pace.

After successful completion of the program the graduates will be able to independently plan and implement therapy concepts for the treatment of patients requiring dental implant prosthetics. In addition, graduates will also have the skills required to select, analyze and fully integrate into their own practice a full range of treatments and knowledge in this field of dental implantology.


Patrick Bresemann
Program Manager

Master of Oral Implantology

Phone: +49 69 6301 85729


MOI 32: April 24 – 04 May, 2025
Application Deadline: February 15, 2025


Program Highlights

The Master of Science in Oral Implantology has a strong scientific focus. Critical reflection of existing treatment options and workflows are essential core values.
Being completely non-sponsored and unbiased, topics addressed in the program will be discussed from various angles – providing you with new exciting insights into your profession and enabling you to think outside the box.

Making sure you receive extensive hands-on training, you will get the opportunity to practice your manual skills on fresh cadavers during our Human Cadaver Course in collaboration with Vienna University (Course location: Vienna). This course covers sinus lift procedures as well as advanced soft-tissue management techniques.

Within the MOI you will interact with like-minded experts from over 50 nations – building a foundation for developing and realizing innovations in the field of oral implantology, even after graduation.
Our tutorship system supports you every step of the way – making sure that you always have a go-to person in case of questions regarding your patient treatment cases or your master


Human Cadaver Course in Vienna

The Human Cadaver Course in Vienna offers our students the opportunity to practice on fresh and not embalmed cadaver heads. Moreover, the course will cover two of three supervised implant surgeries, which are obligatory within the MOI module “Supervision”.

This course has been pioneered to meet the specific needs of oral surgeons not only to learn, to plan and perform all kinds of standard and advanced techniques in Oral implantology and soft tissue management, but also to update the knowledge of the delicate anatomical structures of the oral cavity.

80 % of the human cadaver course is hands-on with 20 % live or videotaped dissection/operation (displayed on screen). Everything will be performed step by step. A maximum of two participants will be assigned to a fresh and not embalmed human cadaver skull: a „close to reality“ simulation of the surgical procedures.

Course Location

The Human Cadaver course takes place in Vienna/ Austria:
Anatomy Training Centre,
Medical University Vienna,
Waehringer Str. 13
1090 Vienna, Austria


Topics of the course
  • Exposure of the lingual nerve, facial artery, mental nerve, Nervus infraorbital is
  • Harvesting of a bone block from the retromolar region and from the chin
  • Soft tissue transplant palatal and from tuber
  • Soft tissue management (split flap, connective tissue graft)
  • Bone spreading
  • Bone spreading with self-condensing screw Bone system
  • Bone splitting by piezosurgery
  • Harvesting of a bone block by using the Piezotome Technique
  • External Sinus floor elevation
  • Harvesting a bone block by trephine
  • Implantation and lateral Augmentation with BioOss and BioGuide

All instruments (soft tissue instruments, standard instruments, drilling machines, piezotome, implants, clinical overall, gloves, surgical mask etc.) will be placed at the disposal. You may also bring your own instruments if you want to try some special ones



The MOI program is designed for the general dentist who has already taken the first step towards the field of implantology. The prospective student has already placed implants and now wants to increase their skills and build up a solid, scientific foundation in order to provide safe, appropriate and efficient treatments. After successful completion of the program, the graduates will receive the academic title of “Master of Science (MSc.) in Oral Implantology”.

Work Experience

The professional experience of our MOI students ranges from two to over 30 years in the field, with an average of around 10 years. Generally, you need at least two years of professional experience as a dentist to be considered for admission. Experience in the fields of implantology and implant prosthetics is an advantage.

Academic qualification/Degree and Licence

Successful applicants to the MOI hold a license entitling them to practice dentistry in their country and have the corresponding academic university degree.

Language requirements

The MOI requires applicants whose native language is not English and who have not received a degree from a university in which all instruction is in English have to submit one of the following language certificates (or equivalent) along with the application:


Applicants fill out the online application and submit the required supporting documents via the website. Once you have submitted your online application, you will receive the following e-mail communications:

  • Immediate acknowledgement of the receipt of your application
  • A follow-up email verifying items already received and items still outstanding and info about a possible personal zoom interview.
Required documents

The following items are required with your application:

  • University Diploma*
  • Licence entitling you to practise dentistry in your country*
  • Proof of minimum of 2 years relevant professional work experience
  • Proof of english language skills
  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Two recommendation letters (from a mentor, professor or employer)
  • Passport photo

*if applicable: with official translation in English or German


After reviewing your application documents, we will invite qualified candidates to participate in a personal interview. The purpose of the interview is to gain a better understanding of your personality, professional experience, expectations and motivations.

We will notify you via email and arrange an interview via zoom.

Program Modules

Program Modules

This blended learning Master’s program has a modular structure and will be conducted in English. German-speaking students are permitted to submit their Master’s thesis in German.

The course is divided into seven obligatory modules:

  1. Basic theory I
  2. Basic theory II
  3. Surgical techniques
  4. Implant prosthetics
  5. Hospitation
  6. Supervision
  7. Patient Treatment Cases

In addition to the seven obligatory modules, students will also submit a Master’s thesis.

Each student can access teaching material and recorded lessons via our eLearning platform to monitor and support independent study during the preparation/processing phase of material for/from seminars and teaching units that take place at the University campus, as well as independent study carried out during the placement and supervision modules. Furthermore, all case documentation can be uploaded to the University server so that this can be assessed to ensure the quality of each student’s practical skills. 

Module Descriptions
Basic Theory I

This module lays the foundation for all topics related to oral implantology on an already advanced level. It has an underlying focus on diagnostics, implant planning and advanced suture techniques. The identification of technical requirements and the discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of various implant materials are also central to the module.  To ensure a high quality of your work in the module patient treatment cases, you will also be able to freshen up your dental photography skills.
You will additionally learn about scientific writing, basic statistics as well as literature research, including critical reflection on existing literature and its objective evaluation.

Basic Theory II

This module focuses on implant systems, their specific design features (marco-/microstructure), abutment connections and prosthetic components. Surgical Procedures such as flap design, bone quality assessment or osteotomy techniques will be addressed and manually trained in extensive hands-on workshops. The same is true for prosthetic procedures such as temporary treatments or impression-taking. Furthermore, you will be introduced to advanced statistics as well as clinical study design and you learn how to identify and deal with errors in scientific publications.

Surgical techniques

The module deals with advanced surgical techniques. You will be particularly familiarized with augmentation and membrane techniques, nerve transposition, various transplants (extra-oral bone transplants, pedicle flap soft-tissue transplants, free connective tissue transplants) and different approaches to soft-tissue management. How to professionally cope with complications, including mucositis and periimplantitis, will also be intensely discussed. In-depth exposure through lectures, seminars and hands-on courses allows you to grasp the significance of selecting and combining different therapy options for archiving excellent treatment results.

Implant prosthetics

Within this module, permanent implants (single tooth replacement, treatment with multiple single crowns, bridge supplies, restorative materials) as well as removable implants (retention elements, intraoral bonding, structure of prosthetic bases) will be critically discussed. Immediate restoration of single tooth implants is one of the major topics being covered. Further important pillars of the module are complication management and the coordination of therapeutic teams – which is an often underestimated challenge with a great impact on your treatment outcome. During this module you will therefore learn how to implement an effective communication/report structure to ensure a secure realization of your treatment plan.


You must attend a total of 4 implant surgeries performed by highly experienced surgeons. Through work shadowing, this module provides you with insights into the practical implementation of techniques taught in the MOI program. You will be able to attend surgeries performed at any affiliated dental office or clinic worldwide.


Within this module you will have to perform a total of 3 implant treatments under the supervision of an accredited tutor of Goethe University. 2 out of 3 surgeries can be completed during the Human Cadaver Course in Vienna during your 3rd semester.

Patient Treatment Cases

Within this module you have to treat a total of 20 patients in your home country, having your tutor by your side to support you every step of the way through our eLearning platform.
The following indications must be met and documented:

a. Standard surgical treatment with prosthetic treatment of a single tooth in the aesthetic zone (2 cases)
b. Standard surgical treatment with a fixed bridge treatment with 3-4 units (2 cases)
c. Standard surgical treatment with a fixed bridge or removable denture in a severely reduced dentition or edentulous jaw (4 cases)
d. Complex surgical treatment with a fixed bridge or removable denture in a severely reduced dentition or edentulous jaw (1 case)
e. Complex surgical treatment with prosthetic treatment of a fixed bridge with 3-4 units (1 case)
f. Complex surgical treatment with the prosthetic treatment of a single tooth in the aesthetic zone (1 case)
g. Standard OR complex surgical techniques with prosthetic treatment of choice (aesthetic zone, fixed bridge with 3-4 units, removable denture) (9 cases)

This module has to be completed by the end of your second academic year.

Master Thesis

Each student is required to submit a master’s thesis by the end of the second academic year. You are free to choose your research objective within the field of oral implantology, e.g. a literature review or a clinical trial. Students who achieve outstanding results in their master theses and want to push their academic career, will be supported in their publication efforts by the medical writer of the department.

Tuition Fees

Tuition Fees

The annual tuition fee for the 2-year program is due in two equal installments. The first installment is due upon enrollment and the second installment is due one year after enrollment.

The Tuition Fee includes university semester fees throughout the two-year program and the RMV-Semester Ticket that entitles the student to use public transportation throughout Germany.
Please note, that overnight stays and travel expenses are NOT included in the Tuition Fee.
Additional costs may occur due to participation in optional study program parts.

MOI Program Tuition

Annual Tuition (Year 1): EUR 16.000,00
Annual Tuition (Year 2): EUR 16.000,00
Extension Fee*: EUR 500,00

* A master student who has completed two years of enrollment pays a continuing fee in subsequent terms of EUR 500.00

Important Fee Notice

Please note that the University reserves the right to change tuition rates and make additional changes whenever necessary.

Lecturer Pool

Lecturer Pool

All MOI lectures are conducted by renowned German and international experts. We are proud to present our esteemed list of lecturers:

Our Lecturer List is regularly updated, so we encourage you to visit this page frequently to stay informed about the latest additions.

  • Prof. Dr. Enrico Agliardi (Italy)
  • Prof. Dr. Tomas Albrektsson (Sweden)
  • Primar Dr. Rudolf Fürhauser (Austria)
  • Prof. Dr. Shahram Ghanaati (Germany)
  • Dr. Thomas Hanser (Germany)
  • Dr. Stefan Holst (Germany)
  • Dr. Karem Ibrahim (Egypt)
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Peer Kämmerer (Germany)
  • Dr. Mischa Krebs (Germany)
  • ZT Andreas Kusch (Germany)
  • PD Dr. Jonas Lorenz (Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Georg-Hubertus Nentwig (Germany)
  • Dr. Bergen Pak (Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Puria Parvini (Germany)
  • ZTM Thorsten Peter M.Sc. (Germany)
  • Dr. Dennis Schaller (Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schipp (Germany)
  • Dr. Markus Schlee (Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Schwarz (Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Robert Sader (Germany)
  • Dr. Michael Stiller (Germany)
  • Dr. Hannes Traxler (Austria)
  • Dr. Georgia Trimpou (Germany)
  • Dr. Nadine von Krockow (Germany)
  • PD Dr. Paul Weigl (Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolfart (Germany)
  • Prof. Dr. Otto Zuhr (Germany)
Introduction video

What is the MOI Program?