The Human Cadaver Course in Vienna offers our students the opportunity to practice on fresh and not embalmed cadaver heads. The course is an obligatory practical module of the master program in Esthetic Dentistry (MED).
This course has been pioneered to meet the specific needs of oral surgeons and practicing dentists not only to learn, plan and perform all kinds of standard and advanced surgical techniques and soft tissue management but also to update the knowledge in the delicate anatomical structures of the oral cavity. The focus is on special surgical techniques to improve oral soft tissue esthetics. Furthermore minimal invasive procedures from plastic facial surgery will be demonstrated to provide students with advanced knowledge about potentials and risks.
80 % of the human cadaver course is hands-on with 20 % live or videotaped dissection/operation (displayed on screen). Everything will be performed step by step.
A maximum of two participants will be assigned to a fresh and not embalmed human cadaver skull: a „close to reality“ simulation of the surgical procedures.
The Human Cadaver course takes place in Vienna/ Austria:
Anatomy Training Centre,
Medical University Vienna,
Waehringer Str. 13
1090 Vienna, Austria
Find more Information about the Anatomy Training Centre